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From quality assurance checks to equipment repairs, we have what it takes to make sure your business is running smoothly and efficiently.
Questions about our products? Reach out!
Mondo | We’ll deliver Mondo’s full lineup of concentrated chemicals on-demand.
DSI Drum Line | Get exclusive access to our premium, private label chemicals.
Simoniz | Market Simoniz’s full catalog of branded chemical products in your business.
Accu-Pump | Get a more exact chemical application to every vehicle that comes through your business, saving on costs and providing a superior service.
Oasis Car Wash Systems | With the most dependable, long-lasting in-bay equipment on the market, keep your operation running smoothly.
Motor City Wash Works | Install industry-leading tunnel equipment, built to reduce overall costs and increase profit margins.
Detailing Products | With both Koch Chemie’s high-end detailing products and Simoniz established place in the market, we’ll keep you stocked.
Dog Washes | For all your furry wash needs - we have the equipment and shampoos to keep your 4-legged customers happy!
Misc. | From janitorial supplies to everything else, we have full access to a lineup of products for anything your business needs.
Keep a close eye on the cost and levels of chemicals and utilities, and monitor the temperature, access, and revenue of your car wash.