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Shift Your Operations
into cruise control

It’s time to let us worry about your car wash’s day-to-day operations.

From quality assurance checks to equipment repairs, we have what it takes to make sure your business is running smoothly and efficiently. 

Questions about our products? Reach out!

Car wash chemicals

Mondo | We’ll deliver Mondo’s full lineup of concentrated chemicals on-demand.

DSI Drum Line | Get exclusive access to our premium, private label chemicals.

Simoniz | Market Simoniz’s full catalog of branded chemical products in your business.

Car wash Equipment

Accu-Pump | Get a more exact chemical application to every vehicle that comes through your business, saving on costs and providing a superior service.

Oasis Car Wash Systems | With the most dependable, long-lasting in-bay equipment on the market, keep your operation running smoothly.

Motor City Wash Works | Install industry-leading tunnel equipment, built to reduce overall costs and increase profit margins.

Other chemicals

Detailing Products | With both Koch Chemie’s high-end detailing products and Simoniz established place in the market, we’ll keep you stocked.

Dog Washes | For all your furry wash needs - we have the equipment and shampoos to keep your 4-legged customers happy!

Misc. | From janitorial supplies to everything else, we have full access to a lineup of products for anything your business needs.

Remote Monitoring

Keep a close eye on the cost and levels of chemicals and utilities, and monitor the temperature, access, and revenue of your car wash.


Questions about
our Solutions?

Reach out to learn about
the products and services we offer!